Doula Training Course
Offered with flexible options in-person or home study
Beautiful training for Doulas who dream of a great future
Who is this Birth Doula Training Course designed for?
Anyone who…
- Women who are curious about women's health, biology, sexual health, psychology and want to add to their wisdom at a reasonable price
- Women who have never had a baby but are keen to learn as much as possible about pregnancy and babies to equip them with feminine knowledge in the future
- Women who have had a baby and have gained more insight into how women are desperately unsupported and they want to help others have a better experience
- Those who have had an awesome birth experience and want to inspire others
- Those who are already a Doula but want more training, more solutions to problems and more insights into how to be a much better Doula
- Natural therapists who want more knowledge, understanding and insights into the world of helping empower pregnant women
Why do people choose to do the course?
If they think…
- I am absolutely passionate about everything to do with pregnancy, birth and babies and I want to gather as much knowledge as possible for myself in the future
- I want to be able to help my friends during their pregnancies in a way that makes a good positive difference, rather than feel useless
- I am a grandmother-to-be and I want to be up-to-date to be truly helpful
- I want to be able to do what I love but I can't commit to the Midwifery training at Uni so becoming a Doula is my choice
- I feel a calling to this type of work as it's woman centered and now is the time women are lifting up and working together to improve all our lives; this seems like an obvious choice and a great place to start
- I think this will give me more choices in my life around how much I work, earn, take time off. I want to do this Doula training to be in control of my own business and help others at the same time. I'm so over working at my current job and need a change of direction.
What is a Birth Doula and why should I become one?
Doulas help pregnancy and childbirth be the positive experience it is meant to be!
Ask any mother… “Did you have all your physical and emotional needs met during your pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond?” and there is a very high chance she will say NO!”
Also go ahead and ask her “Would you have loved to have had a woman assisting you during your labour and birth?” and there is a very strong chance she will reply with “Well my partner was ok and meant well, BUT yes I wish I’d had more help both during the birth with massage, guidance, acupressure points, suggestions to get in the shower, bath and to move around, also afterwards as well during the first year or so…”
Birth Doulas (also called Childbirth Assistants, Labour Support Professionals, Birth Assistants, or Birth Companions) provide emotional, physical and informational support during pregnancy, labour, birth and immediate postpartum.
Doulas are professionally trained women who provide comfort measures and support before, during, and after delivery.
Research has shown that doulas help women have positive birth experiences, decrease the need for pain medication, improve breastfeeding success, and reduce the need for cesarean sections and other invasive procedures.
No not at all. It would be helpful if you have a current first Aid certificate but not essential, though I would recommend obtaining it over the next year.
No not necessary, as the most important aspect is to be empathetic and compassionate. Experience can be helpful of course, so if you’ve had a baby great, if you haven’t had a baby that’s great too.
No. This is a completely unregulated industry, so you do not have re-registration fees, no you don’t have to buy insurance. Nothing is compulsory. Julie does guide all her trainee doulas through ethics, yes to ensure a smooth life as a Doula.
What topics are covered in the Doula Training Course?
- The fine art of all the important comfort measures for labour, the active birth positioning and details for effective pushing positions, what to say to a woman in labour to get her to relax, (hint don’t say just relax!)
- Magnificent massage techniques that magically make women release and relax
- The amazing details of breath work; good for you and good for the labouring woman
- Conserving the labouring woman’s energy so she’s not exhausted
- How to deal with breech positions; how to turn, what to do, when to do it
- Acupuncture / acupressure points for overdue and during labour
- Tips on how to observe and listen carefully to a labouring woman to be able to match up your skills with what she needs at the right moment
- How to help women use their own facilities at home during pre-labour and early labour prior to coming into the hospital
- The most beneficial use of hospital facilities and being aware of how hospitals vary in what they offer
- Waterbirth, benefits, setting up, what to expect; reasons why the Dept of Health completely endorse Waterbirth as safe and best
- Stages of labour, what they are, what to be aware of; talking to experienced midwives
- Being part of the team if other friends and family are present
- Physiology, anatomy, hormones
- Enhancing partner’s role, boosting his/her confidence, ensuring he/she is taking care of themselves with sufficient food
- Bonding for the new family, the first hours after the birth, the breast crawl and the first breastfeed
- Follow up appointments debriefing the birth experience afterwards
- Photographs; the right angles, the best pics to catch, the romance of black and white pics, the must have shots
What are the inclusions in the Doula Training Course?
For the complete Home Study / Online Birth and Postnatal kit course:
- The start up emails and conversations directly with Julie to clear any concerns you have
- Easy payment plan for you to secure the course
- The amusing insightful enrolment form to fill in
- The kit is posted to you which contains the workbooks, textbook, instructions
- Lists to help you be ready, prepared and organised as a Doula
- Ideas for your business to get your creative juices flowing
- Birth Doula workbook containing decades of Julie's experience and knowledge
- Postnatal Doula workbook
- Resource pages with solutions to common concerns
- Emails with links to amazing useful resources
- The right ideas to impress your clients
- Free product samples for your benefit and to show your clients
- A certificate upon your completion
- Support, help and assistance from Julie
- Email, text, calls and in person with a Chai
What are the benefits of the Doula Training Course?
- The home study course will provide you with a feeling of security of taking action to improve the quality of your life on many levels
- You will be so pleased you chose the right course for you with the best value price, the simplified educational experience, empowering style to enable you to feel proud of your achievement
- This home study training will enable you to work towards achieving your own financial independence, with Julie's guidance you can commence earning very soon. You could earn back the cost of this course with one or two clients
- If you require an extension beyond the 12 months you only need to ask and it will be granted
- You will receive kindness and a caring attitude from an empath Leader in her field
- You will join a growing community of like minded souls who are working to improve maternity for all women in an inclusive way
- Your will feel confident with your knowledge in being able to help others as their Doula
- You will receive high quality training directly from the most experienced birth and postnatal doula trainer in Australia
- Your training will equip you to have the knowledge and confidence to trust your intuition
- Your sense of self-worth and self esteem will be enhanced by this training experience which is non-stressful
- You are welcome to switch from the home study / online course to the face to face training any time you feel ready to do so at your own pace in the future with plenty of support from Julie
- Your future will be filled with new friendships and amazing connections with your clients and colleagues in a fulfilling profession
Ready to take the first step towards your dream?
Let's do this now!

If you choose to take up the home study course during 2021/22, you are guaranteed a special
50% discount
on any face to face course you choose to attend with me for the next 5 years. You are able to upgrade at the special price, whenever it's convenient for you.
Options will be:
- 5 days in a block Thursday to Monday (or)
- 5 weeks: 2 days per week (or)
- 10 weeks: 1 day per week