During my teenage and early adult years I was fascinated by biology and psychology, read a lot on those topics and selected courses that fed the yearning, which led me quite naturally towards becoming a childbirth and parenting educator. For me, I think if I had done the nursing training; which until recently was required in Australia, prior to midwifery training I think it would […]
Julie Clarke determined to provide reassuring preparation for birth and baby care courses in Sydney Australia
It currently seems to me that pregnant women in our society are surrounded by negativity and this is only serving to raise their anxiety and depression during their pregnancy. It is with this awareness that I have been passionate and driven to provide realistic, encouraging, uplifting, reassuring preparation for birth and baby courses for over 20 years. I recall […]
Pregnancy: Constipation, a common challenge to deal with…by Julie Clarke
Pregnancy: Constipation, a common challenge to deal with… Constipation is the term applied to painful bowel movements, which might be caused by slow, dry, hard stools to pass. Commonly this is related to a lack of fluids particularly water intake for the woman and also clearly linked to the types of foods she is eating […]
Pregnancy: Leg Cramps in the calf muscles and feet, by Julie Clarke
Pregnancy: Leg Cramps in the calf muscles and feet Cramps occur as sudden muscle spasms and tightens in the calf muscles of the legs, and in the arch of the foot and can be quite painful for pregnant women. Some experts say it is caused by an imbalance of the calcium/phosphorous/magnesium ratio in the body and […]
Morning Sickness or all day sickness Nausea and Vomiting by Julie Clarke
Morning Sickness or all day sickness Nausea and Vomiting It is quite common and normal to have an upset stomach or throw up during the first three months of pregnancy. Many women describe this as feeling like having the ‘flu and a hangover all wrapped into one and is referred to as morning sickness, though many women […]
Pregnancy: Thrush, Monillia and Candida Albicans: fungal vaginal infection by Julie Clarke
Thrush, Monillia and Candida Albicans: fungal vaginal infection Caused by the fungus candida Albicans, a normal part of the body’s flora and fauna, but pregnancy can cause it to overpopulate, due to the increase hormones which create favorable conditions for the fungus to thrive, particularly around warm moist areas of the body, typically around the vaginal vulval region and for some large breasted […]
The Passage to Parenthood is a Unique Journey, it can be wonderful… by Julie Clarke
Most parents agree there is a mix of experiences as they move through the series of changes which is the rite of passage to parenthood – during pre-conception, pregnancy, labor, birth and the newborn period. The journey is unique of course for each person who goes through it, but most people would like to find a good […]
Pregnancy: Preparing for birth and beyond by Julie Clarke Sydney Australia
Julie frequently hears from the dads-to-be attending the courses, “I just don’t want to be useless to my partner during the labor and the birth, but I don’t know what to do!” Julie responds with many ideas and suggestions throughout the course, and she always recommend couples pick and choose what suits them best, as there are […]
A burning feeling that starts in the stomach…dealing with Heartburn and Indigestion!
Heartburn and Indigestion Heartburn is a form of indigestion with a burning feeling that starts in the stomach and seems to rise into the throat, caused by leakage of small amounts of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Greasy fried or spicy food often cause heartburn and indigestion. Try to figure out what […]
Pregnancy: Hemorrhoids are small swellings around the…
Hemorrhoids Hemorrhoids are small swellings around the anus. They may itch, burn or bleed a little. Constipation can make Hemorrhoids worse. Follow the suggestions for constipation, too. For many women pregnancy is the very first time in their lives that they develop hemorrhoids which are also commonly known as Piles. If you are unsure if […]