It currently seems to me that pregnant women in our society are surrounded by negativity and this is only serving to raise their anxiety and depression during their pregnancy. It is with this awareness that I have been passionate and driven to provide realistic, encouraging, uplifting, reassuring preparation for birth and baby courses for over 20 years. I recall […]
A Poem: Birth and Bonding… imagine this experience…
Birth and Bonding Experience this with me: I’m a very little person,I’m completely surrounded, supported, nourished,Warmed, cushioned,Swimming in a warm sea,I am one with my mother,At one with my newness,Feeling, hearing a heart beating, blood rhythmicallySurging around me, feeling safe and warm,There is movement, this way and that,I am one with my mother’s feelings: I […]
Homebirth as a safe and suitable option for low-risk normal healthy pregnant women by Julie Clarke
The New South Wales Dept of Health endorses homebirth as a safe and suitable option for low-risk normal healthy pregnant women who would prefer to remain in the safety, comfort and security of their own home with a qualified midwife who has provided her with maternity care throughout her pregnancy according to the current midwifery guidelines. Public hospital across […]
“Was your father at your birth?” by Julie Clarke
Many men currently expecting their first child when asked, “Was your father at your birth?” reply emphatically “No!”, and for the rare one who says “Yes!” they usually haven’t had much of a description from their father as to what occurred – you could say for previous generations it’s all a bit of a blank… […]
Pregnancy: Preparing for birth and beyond by Julie Clarke Sydney Australia
Julie frequently hears from the dads-to-be attending the courses, “I just don’t want to be useless to my partner during the labor and the birth, but I don’t know what to do!” Julie responds with many ideas and suggestions throughout the course, and she always recommend couples pick and choose what suits them best, as there are […]
The Ultimate Human Experience: Birth of a baby
I am an adoring mum of 2 sons Ken and Ryan, both born naturally, with the care of midwives… Ken in the first birth centre available in Sydney, Australia. I birthed him drug free, in the squatting position with Geoff my husband of 7 years behind me, I was leaning back against him… he let me treat him like an […]
Julie Clarke’s photo of Homebirth Awareness Week in Sydney
Spring time in Australia is usually the time we celebrate Homebirth Awareness Week. Quite often we will have picnics, gatherings of homebirth families and media promotions. During the festivities at the St George Hospital in Sydney, midwives and mothers celebrated one of the first government-backed publicly funded homebirth programs to be made available to the […]
VBAC – what does it mean for pregnant women?
Have you experienced a caesarean section? How do you feel physically and emotionally about it? Would you recommend a Vaginal Birth After Caesarean section it to others? or not? VBAC stands for vaginal birth after caesarean section – NBAC stands for normal birth after caesarean section…both essentially mean the same thing… A woman who has had a caesarean section for […]
The feeling of awe and ecstasy and euphoria…
The baby is out… the feeling of relief and awe begins… as you looked at your baby for the first time what did you think? what did you notice first? what surprised you? what aspects of meeting your baby for the first time delighted you? how did you feel? Chances are there were a multitude […]