Since the late 1980’s natural birth has grown in popularity and in availability in mainstream Australia, though our medical intervention rate has increased, which continues to create despair for many midwives, some obstetricians, childbirth educators and many informed motivated mothers-to-be and of course many mothers who have experienced medical intervention, especially if it were perceived to be unnecessary intervention.
Our statistics in Australia show that 1 in 10 women who experience a c.section are experiencing post natal depression. Such an unfortunate situation.
Optimistically, I see a better future for maternity in Australia, particularly as Kevin Rudd our previous Prime Minister is the son of a midwife, I am hoping he has an understanding of the current extreme medical dominance in Australia and is sympathetic to the cause of midwifery for our future birthing mother’s.
I do wonder if he will contest the leadership and try for re-election at the next election next year…hmmm stay tuned…
Nicola Roxon one of our federal ministers has recently had her first baby and is experiencing the phase of her life which is ideal to draw from to be able to compassionately review and improve the maternity services in Australia.
Julia Gillard our current Prime Minister is a good strong woman who hopefully will continue to create positive changes for health in Australia.